
Updated 7/18/24

Likely Democratic primary voters, including Democrats signed up for mail ballots, should receive direct mail about:

  • Mike Davey is a parent, husband, labor attorney, mayor, and problem solver with a record of putting people ahead of politics.

  • As a public servant and mayor, Mike delivered results to strengthen education, the economy, and the environment.  He put politics aside, listened to people, focused on solutions, and got things done. 

  • Mike is running for Congress to take on the MAGA extremists who are threatening our rights and democracy, stand up for our freedoms, and protect the future of our nation. 

  • Mike’s priorities are:

    • Defend democracy by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and standing up to MAGA extremists trying to take away our right to vote.

    • Defend women’s fundamental reproductive freedoms by codifying Roe v. Wade protections for all women.

    • Defend the future for our families by protecting Florida’s environment and taking on price-gouging corporations to reduce costs and insurance rates.

    • Defend our children and communities from gun violence by passing commonsense gun safety laws.


Hispanic voters should receive mail in both English and Spanish (with a Cuban influence).  Non-Hispanic voters should receive mail in just English.

Photo stills

Mike is endorsed by Democratic leaders, mayors, and unions.  His growing list of endorsers is HERE.