
Mike Davey puts People over Politics, focused on the priorities of Congressional District 27 residents.


Defend Democracy

A fundamental function of government is to protect the rights of its citizens to participate in elections, and unfortunately, extremist MAGA Republicans are fighting to take that right away in order to advance their own agenda. 

Participating in our Democracy should be easy and accessible, not made more difficult with partisan gerrymandering and discriminatory voting practices. Our Democracy has always been worth fighting for and I intend to continue that fight in Washington D.C. 

In Congress, I will fully support the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to ensure that our Democracy is defended and our ability to vote and participate in our elections is protected. And I’ll work to ensure our nation never sees another attack on the peaceful transfer of power, like the one on January 6th, ever again.


Reproductive Healthcare

As a husband and the father of a teenage daughter, I believe firmly in a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body and reproductive care. It is not the role of the government or politicians to be making healthcare decisions for any person and that especially includes decisions as personal as reproductive care. 

In Congress, I will fight to protect women’s rights, federally codify Roe, and staunchly defend access to reproductive healthcare because the only people who should be making decisions about women’s bodies are women.

The recent passing of a six-week abortion ban here in the state of Florida is absolutely unacceptable and will needlessly endanger the lives of women both in our state and across the country. I’m strongly supporting Amendment 4 and have been fully committed to helping ensure it got on the ballot, and will pass with over 60% of the vote.  

But passing Amendment 4 will not be enough if radical MAGA Republicans are able to pass a national abortion ban, which is why we must ensure that Democrats win control of Congress, by delivering victory in this election.  What makes this country great is our constitutional freedoms, and I will not stand idly by as these rights are stripped away. We must restore reproductive healthcare protections so all women, no matter where they live in the country, can access the care they need. 


Cost of Living

In recent years, Americans across the country have experienced the added burden that rising prices have had on our quality of life. From the cost of childcare to the cost of renting or purchasing a home, hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet. With greedy corporations raising prices and keeping wages stagnant, we must work together to further boost the economy and our quality of life. 

As Mayor, I fought to keep taxes and costs down for residents and as a labor lawyer, I went to court to fight for worker’s rights and small businesses, and I fully intend to do the same in Congress. I will work to prevent corporations from taking away our hard-earned dollars while lining their own pockets and posting record profits. I will also fight to raise wages and create good-paying jobs and defend the American Dream.  


Working Families & Unions

Having fought for workers’ rights as an employment attorney for over 20 years, I firmly believe all workers deserve the right to organize and collectively bargain for a decent living, a safe workplace, and a secure retirement. 

As Mayor, I defended Labor Unions and workers’ rights, ensuring that our union negotiations provided fair wages and benefits to our municipal employees. 

In Congress, I will support and champion policies that create and keep good-paying Union jobs, empower workers to advocate for themselves and their colleagues, and ensure worker protections across all sectors.


Lower Insurance Costs

While big insurance corporations continue to receive multi-million dollar tax cuts and take local tax dollars to make themselves richer, South Floridians are stuck paying record rates for insurance. This must stop.  

I will not let these corporations continue to exploit working people, make massive profits at our expense. In office, I will stand up to big insurance corporations and lower insurance costs so we can keep more of our hard-earned dollars.


Defend Our Environment

Our environment is one of the most precious resources our state has and it is imperative that we do everything in our power to protect it. Climate change is threatening our way of life and we cannot let special interests like Big Oil continue to determine the future of our air, water, and land. 

As Mayor, I worked hard to protect Key Biscayne from the effects of climate change, through beach renourishment programs and promoting clean energy consumption.  

In Congress, I’ll fight to protect Florida’s future by investing in green infrastructure projects that will create good-paying jobs in the process. I’ll hold corporate polluters accountable so that our resources are not worsened by those who do not bear the consequences. I will also work with local leaders to protect our communities from rising sea levels and other natural disasters.


Keep our
Communities Safe

I believe that our constitutional right to bear arms goes hand in hand with the need for gun safety regulations. As a gun owner myself, I understand the desire to protect oneself and their family.  However, I also believe that there are too many loopholes that allow dangerous criminals and people with mental health conditions to obtain a gun. 

As a parent of a teenage daughter who has been trained on lockdown drills since elementary school, this is an issue I’m deeply passionate about.  

I fully support background checks and red flag laws that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals. Guns need to be better regulated and obtaining a gun should require extensive training. The alarming rise in shootings at schools and public places across America, makes it imperative that we stop failing to protect innocent lives. 


Defend equality for all and standing up for the LGBTQ+ community

Everyone ought to be treated with dignity and respect, free of discrimination. As a lifelong ally and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, I am sickened by right-wing politicians’ hate-driven attacks that have escalated in recent years, with the sole intent of causing harm to LGBTQ+ people. 

We need representatives in Congress who are willing to fight FOR their neighbors, not against them. In Congress, I will sponsor the Equality Act, work to expand and strengthen LGBTQ+ rights and protections, and address intersecting issues that affect the community, including mental healthcare, gun violence prevention, and education.


Invest in Infrastructure

From the water we drink to the roads we drive to the electricity that powers our homes and small businesses, our infrastructure is vital to the well-being of our community and local economy. Having served as a mayor here in South Florida, I know this firsthand. 

We are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and our communities are at serious risk if we do not prioritize smart investments in resiliency now. In Congress, I will work to secure the crucial funding we need in our infrastructure to address the needs of this moment.


Raise Teacher Pay

As the husband of a public school teacher, I know the struggles that educators and administrators face when it comes to being underpaid, overworked, and undervalued. These issues have only been worsened by Florida’s legislators and governor, who have inserted themselves into our children’s classrooms, turning our children’s education into a battleground for culture wars and extremist agendas. Instead of focusing on the real challenges at hand, like setting students up for success, radical MAGA Republicans would rather fight to ban books and dictate how and what can be taught in our schools. 

When it comes to our children’s education and their future, we need to refocus our energy into what really matters. Legislators need to get out of the way and let teachers do what they do best, teach. 

As Congressman, I will fight to increase pay so our teachers can afford to live comfortably and support themselves and their families, expand tutoring and school counseling resources for students, and increase access to high-quality public education so every child has the opportunity to succeed. 


Fix Broken
Immigration System

My wife fled Peru during the height of the communist Shining Path’s violent terrorist attacks, and her pursuit of the American Dream is in part why our children are able to thrive in the country we are all proud to call home. Immigrants are the foundation of this country and we must have a functioning, comprehensive immigration system in order to continue that important legacy.

Unfortunately, recent attempts to pass comprehensive immigration reform have been rejected by radical MAGA Republicans in order to keep this emotional issue alive as a wedge to use for political purposes. Too many politicians, including Maria Elvira Salazar, are more interested in playing politics than solving problems.

We cannot continue to let Republican politicians profit off of what is happening at the border. Both Democrats and Republicans need to come to the table in good faith to make drastic changes to our deeply broken immigration system.

In Congress, I will reach across the aisle to ensure that we enforce our current immigration laws to ensure immigrants are using legal pathways, defend Dreamers who were brought to this country as children, ensure that our immigration courts are staffed to address the thousands of backlogged cases, and provide a path to citizenship for those immigrants who have established the United States as their home and are seeking the American Dream. 


Social Security & Medicare

Our hardworking seniors deserve to retire with dignity and feel protected.

Medical bills, the housing crisis, and rising costs are making retirement more financially challenging, especially with the looming threat of Social Security and Medicare cuts from radical MAGA Republicans.

We must do better. In Congress, I will oppose any attempt to cut Social Security benefits. And I’ll fight to expand Medicare, strengthen retirement benefits for workers in all sectors, and ensure our seniors are able to retire comfortably with the benefits they were promised and earned.


Healthcare For All

Every person in this country should have access to affordable healthcare, no matter where they live. It’s a right, not a privilege.

Far too many Americans are struggling with crippling medical debt and are unable to afford life-saving medication as a result of Big Pharma’s price gouging. Healthcare conglomerates and other special interest groups cannot continue to determine the well-being and future of our country.

In Congress, I will take on Big Pharma and other bad actors in the healthcare sector to ensure medications are affordable and accessible to those who need them. I will fight to cap out-of-pocket medical and prescription drug costs, expand Medicare so our seniors can have access to vision and dental services, and support healthcare workers.


Support Economic Technology

Supporting emerging economic technology

I believe in a smartly regulated free market so everyone has an equal shot at getting ahead. Cryptocurrency provides a unique opportunity for Americans to grow their assets and I believe this technology has the potential to shape our future economy. When utilized under a legal framework that protects American interests and consumers, I fully support this revolutionary technology and the emerging industry that comes with it.


Reduce Corporate Lobbyist Influence

We must reduce the influence of corporate lobbyists in Washington DC.

Our political system is broken and corporate lobbyists and special interests have too much control because of the influence of massive amounts of money they inject into the system.

I’ll work to reform Washington and make government work for the people, not the powerful, by fighting to pass reforms that reduce the influence of lobbyists, stop dark money campaigning, and make the process of redistricting, independent of partisan politics.


Stand Up
Against Extremism

Too many MAGA Republican extremists are putting their partisan agendas and political theater ahead of the American people. Extremist politicians who seek to overturn elections, make voting more difficult, and undermine democracy should have no place in government. We deserve leaders who will put people ahead of partisan politics.

As Mayor, I worked across the aisle to deliver results for my constituents and I plan to do the exact same in Congress. I will always work with others to get the job done, regardless of political party. And I will stand up to the MAGA extremists who are trying to take away our fundamental rights and freedoms and work to solve problems, not create them.